Friday, April 24, 2009

Established...and mashed...

The plan of attack as the week goes on seems to be wake up late, wander down to Superstudio, realise that hardly anyone has turned up and go to lunch.  Shortly after that we wander around from exhibit to exhibit feeling slightly underwhelmed until we discover a pot of gold like the electrical shop on Corso Como run by a little old woman who gave us a free screwdriver.

The late afternoon and evening seems to be the time of day to meet and greet people at Superstudio, with what seems like huge numbers of people streaming through.  This continues until around 8 or 9pm, stopping briefly to consume free food and drink from the Bulgarian and Swedish stands. 

When thats all done and dusted we head out to try and find an opening or party to 'network' our way through the night.  Last night was particularly eventful as we arrived too late to the Royal College of Art show, only to stumble on an unadvertised, and seemingly invitation only party...needless to say we got in fairly swiftly and enjoyed some particularly fine wine :)

In terms of actual design....yesterdays main find was the Established and Sons space featuring an interesting roughly wood panelled maze-like space littered with new and old designs.

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